Our projects

Our focus is always to deliver value to all our clients, whatever
your business may be.
This Is Why

We Should Work Together


Project Details

Value Delivered

Project 1


Country Program Audits

Project Details

Our client, a leading professional services firm, who was contracted by an international financing organization that aims to attract and disburse additional resources to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria appointed Blue Bolt Consulting as part of a team to perform a country programme audit of their programs in Zimbabwe (2016), South Africa (2017), Kenya (2018), South Sudan (2019) and Lesotho (2017).

Value Delivered

Our reports provided valuable insights into how medicines supply chain management was being implemented and recommended changes to improve supply chain visibility and accountability.
Our reports also provided valuable insights into how all grants were being managed and recommended changes to the implementing and governance arrangements to ensure effectiveness of the programs.

Project 2


Country Public Health Program Reviews

Project Details

Our client, a leading professional services firm, who was contracted by a public–private global health partnership committed to increasing access to immunisation in poor countries, appointed Blue Bolt Consulting as part of a team to review vaccination programs in Ethiopia (2016), Zambia (2017), Lesotho (2018) and Ghana (2019).

Value Delivered

Our report provided valuable insights into how various vaccination programs including Vaccine Introduction Campaigns, regular vaccination campaigns and health systems strengthening programs were being managed. The report recommended changes to how financial, vaccine supply and programme management was being managed by the individual country’s expanded programmes for immunisation (EPI).
Our report also recommended refund and recovery of all ineligible and unsupported expenditure.

Project 3


Project Management ERP Installation

Project Details

Our client, a leading petroleum products retailer, wanted to install a new ERP system to manage to address the inventory management challenges they faced.

Value Delivered

We carried out a detailed system analysis and design on the client’s business process and based on our proprietary IT assessment tools proposed SAP B1 ERP system for installation.
We then proceeded to manage the design, hire of consultants, implementation, training and go-live processes that ensured a seamless transition for the client.

Project 4


Financial Due Diligence

Project Details

Our client, a leading equity fund, had reached an initial agreement of cooperation with a target firm to investigate the operational situation of the target firm. The client appointed Blue Bolt Consulting to carry out a Financial Due Diligence.
In carrying out the Financial Due Diligence, we incorporated investigative measures directed against all relevant financial matters pertaining to the acquisition and our goal was to determine whether the target firm accounts are consistent, evaluating the organisation’s assets, liabilities and tax risks.

Value Delivered

Our report provided valuable information to support the proposed acquisition by;
• Providing a good understanding of the historic financial situation of the target company and the correctness of the reported numbers
• Revealing key financial risks (i.e. No hidden ‘skeletons in the closet’)
• Providing insight into the target firm’s Balance Sheet (i.e. assets and liabilities including contingent liabilities)
• Providing insight into the target firm’s Profit and Loss (i.e. are the historical earnings of the company sustainable in the future)
• Forecasting its future financial situation (to ensure a realistic valuation and a justification of the purchase price)
• Determining if the expected synergies can be realized (and further substantiated)

Project 5


Public Health Program Advisory

Project Details

Our client, a leading professional services firm, who was contracted by an international financing organization that aims to attract and disburse additional resources to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria appointed Blue Bolt Consulting as part of a team to Geneva, Switzerland in 2018 to advise the Financing Organisation on the management of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) processes.

Value Delivered

We performed a global review assessing over 10 countries on various components of the LLIN including; management processes, Pre campaign planning activities, Procurement and distribution processes, Monitoring and evaluation processes, Co-ordination arrangements and Assurance arrangements. Our report provided lessons from previous LLIN distributions and recommendations to improve the planning, execution and evaluation of subsequent campaigns.

Project 6


Organizational Due Diligence

Project Details

Our client, a leading professional services firm, who was contracted by a leading trade support agency in the East African region which receives innovative proposals it funds ranging from small grants of about USD 40,000 or so to large multi-year grants ranging up to USD 2 million. A qualitative assessment of key financial and administrative policies, procedures, and practices including procurement is carried out prior funding. Blue Bolt Uganda Limited was commissioned to conduct a Due Diligence Audit (DDA) of a potential grantee, in support of the Uganda Programme.

Value Delivered

Our report provided insights into the fiduciary risk of the grantee across five focal areas including; Governance and Legal; Finance and Procurement; Human Resource and Administration; Programme; and Sustainability.

Project 7


Technology Transformation

Project Details

Our client, the premier healthcare supply chain management company in Africa contracted us to develop an IT strategic plan and support the procurement, design and delivery of the IT strategic plan initiatives.

Value Delivered

We developed an IT strategic plan which became the blueprint for the digital transformation of the organisation over a 5-year period radically transforming how the organisation carried out supply chain management operations fostering innovation and efficiencies across the entire supply chain from procurement, Logistics Management Information Systems, Monitoring & Evaluation, Warehousing and Distribution, administration, and Human Resources.